Geoff Williams

Therapist in Private Practice

Ellis '92

Therapist in Private Practice

After graduating from Brentwood in 1992, Geoff continued his education at the University of Victoria where he graduated with a BA in History and Psychology "with distinction." From there he went on to finish an MA in indigenous-legal history at the University of Northern British Columbia, at the time considering law school. Geoff decided against law as a career however, and went on to finish a clinical Master of Social Work degree at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo in 2005.

Geoff worked for three years in the Canadian Forces Army Reserve 5th Field Artillery Regiment. He was promoted three times, from private recruit to 2nd Lieutenant and was lined up for command of Recruiting and Transport for the unit but prioritized his civilian education and career and left the CF at 20 years old. Geoff worked other "odd jobs", such as canvassing for the Western Canadian Wilderness Committee. He applied three times to the BC Forest Service and, after being denied twice, each time going back to acquire more experience and qualifications, was finally hired on with a Wildland Firefighting Unit Crew in Pemberton in 2000. He continued for three summers firefighting, including the summer of 2003, one of the most treacherous fire seasons in BC's history.

Geoff "retired" from firefighting after finishing his MSW, and continued in the field of clinical social work for ten years providing counseling and approximately 2000 psychosocial assessments for patients referred by their family doctors for assistance at a major Toronto hospital mental health outpatient program. In 2015 he completed a teaching degree at the University of Toronto to blend his long standing interest in the liberal arts and psychology. This included a teaching internship completed at Brentwood after 23 years! Subsequently he started his private practice in Victoria where he now provides clinical education for organizations and specialized psychotherapy for individuals dealing with anxiety, trauma, and stress.

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