Andy Cheng

Andy Cheng

Current Parent

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON


Co-founder of Optinizers Inc, Founder of StreamWorks Global, Founder of Freight Genesis and Highlight Freight Management

After graduating from the University of Toronto in 2003, I embarked on a career path that has been anything but linear. Initially, I joined AC Nielsen in Taiwan as a market researcher, envisioning a straightforward career in a corporate setting. However, life had different plans for me. When my father fell ill, I had to relocate to Shanghai and take over a shipping company, a field in which I had neither interest nor experience. This unexpected turn led me to discover my true calling as an entrepreneur.

My entrepreneurial journey began in Mexico, where, without speaking a word of Spanish, I ventured into iron ore mining. This bold move led to my first major financial success—and also my first significant loss. Returning home, I thought I would settle into the logistics industry. Yet, just two years later, my entrepreneurial spirit reignited, leading me to start a retail fixture company. This venture, which began by selling phone booths to co-working spaces, resulted in my first earnings of 5 million dollars. However, the pandemic brought new challenges, and I lost almost all of it.

The pandemic, while challenging, provided a period of reflection and learning. It was during this time that I analyzed my past failures and successes, leading to a significant turning point in my career. Over the past two years, I have launched two additional businesses. Today, I am proud to say I own five companies across four different industries, with a combined revenue of 9.6 million dollars as of 2023.

My journey teaches the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the courage to pursue one’s passions, even when the path is unpredictable. I hope my story inspires students to embrace the unexpected and to see every challenge as an opportunity for growth and innovation.